Mishima Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Mishima Kosan Co.,Ltd.
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Case examples of automated equipment
Automobile/Steel production line

Mishima's digital engineering will provide quick delivery and high quality.

Achieving early local start-up of high-quality automated facilities that meet customers' needs!

As an automotive automation partner, Mishima Kosan provides high-quality automation equipment that meets customers' needs to solve problems in automotive production lines, such as automation and cycle times reduction.

Solution design and adaptation studies using 3D-CAD data, off-line teaching, and 3D measurement and inspection enable early start-up of high-quality automated equipment.

Case example of automated equipment (automobile/steel production line)

Case example 01Automotive welding equipment (large) (medium)

Case example 02Bolting fastening+ Handling

Case example 03Automobile-related jigs (rotating jigs)

Case example 04New transfer system for automobiles (wire transfer)

Case example 05Auto parts equipment

Case example 06Primer application/Heating furnace C/V

Case example 07Auto glass equipment (molding hand)

Case example 08Unmanned by robots

Case example 09Conveyor/Storage related

Case example 10Steel production line equipment

Installation image

In-house photo

Case example 01
Automotive welding equipment

Automotive welding equipment (large size)

Off-line operation verification

Automotive welding equipment (medium size)

Actual machine photo

Case example 02
Bolted fastening + Handling

Work optimization

Bolt fastening + Handling automation equipment

Equipment overview

Actual machine photo

Case example 03
Automobile-related jigs
(rotating jigs)

Rotating jig automation

Equipment overview

Actual machine photo

Case example 04
New transfer system for automobiles
(wire transfer)

In-process transfer device (wire transfer with one motor)

Equipment overview

Actual machine photo

Case example 05
Auto parts equipment

Optimize the part line.

Device for press-fitting suspension parts

Dedicated machines ⇒ General-purpose machines

Actual machine photo

Case example 06
Primer application/
Heating furnace C/V

Target work Auto glass
introduction line Primer application line before molding

Actual machine photo

Case example 07
Auto glass equipment
(molding hand)

Automation equipment 08
Unmanned by robots

We succeeded in automating what workers used to do.

Case example 09
Storage related

Crescent storage conveyor

Buffer conveyor

F/F Extra hand conveyor

U/R Double-handed conveyor

Slat conveyor

Slat conveyor (side lifter)

Stock conveyor
(equipment delivered to North America)

Automation equipment10
Steel production line equipment

Conveyor equipment

Equipment overview

  • Total length 6m
  • Equipment for pitch transfer (delivery transfer) of workpieces at approx. 1,000°C at 250 mm/1.2 seconds

Electrical hardware design side (power/control panel, operation panel)

Actual machine photo

Electrical software design side (main operation panel, touch panel screen)

Actual machine screen

Mechanical/Electrical Package Project

Installation of internal rust treatment equipment

Conveyor line extension work

Ultrasonic probe

Ultrasonic probe

General products

Automated warehouse for jigs

Automatic warehouse for jigs Internal stacker