Mishima Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Mishima Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Recruitment information
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Recruitment information

CSR & Corporate philosophy

Corporate philosophy

Corporate guideline

Employee action guidelines

We will strive to maintain and improve a safe and comfortable work environment.
We will strive to create an open atmosphere that respects each other's personalities and individuality and allows us the free exchange of ideas.
We will strive to provide products and services that earn the trust and satisfaction of our customers.
We will listen sincerely to our customers and take on the challenge of creating new value in anticipation of change.
We will strive to enhance our corporate value on a long-term and continuous basis with improving our management efficiency and profit structure .
We will strive for transparency in management though timely and appropriate disclosure of our financial condition.
We will strive transactions with all business partners based n the principle of free competition in terms of quality, delivery time, price, etc.
We will strive for appropriate disclosure of information and conduct open, fair, and transparent transactions.
We will strive to comply with internal rules, relevant laws and regulations, and will carry out our business activities with integrity.
We will strive for continuous improvement by gathering information that emphasizes the field, the actual thing, and reality.
We will strive to comply with environmental laws and regulations, raise awareness of environmental conservation, and promote recycling and energy conservation.
We will strive to coexist with local communities by communicating with them through active participation in events, etc., in order to create a better future to the community.

Compliance promotion system