Mishima Kosan Co.,Ltd.
Mishima Kosan Co.,Ltd.
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About SDGs initiatives

Mishima Kosan will promote corporate activities that can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and the development of society based on our corporate philosophy.

Ensure healthy living and promote the welfare of all people of all ages

Corporate guideline 

Outside the company

  • Participation in the medical field
  • Blood donation
  • Participation in PCB detoxification project (Hibiki Environment Section)
  • Developed Electric Bidet Seat for bedridden person
  • Nursing care business, childcare business


  • Covid-19 measurements (body temperature check, splash prevention, etc.)
  • separate smoking and non-smoking
  • Subsidies for vaccinations
  • Traffic lectures and training videos to eliminate traffic accidents
  • Club activities (baseball, ekiden, futsal)
  • Welfare leave and nursing care leave system
  • AED installation

Provide inclusive, equitable, quality education and and promote lifelong learning opportunities.

Corporate guideline 

Outside the company

  • Internship
  • Participated in Yumemirai Exhibition
  • Participated in Kitakyushu SIer Network (Engineering Dept., Mishima OA System Co., Ltd.)


  • Qualification allowance, advanced skill allowance
  • Rare-Job (English Conversation)
  • Scholarship repayment support system
  • MQC activities and improvement activities
  • Mishima Academy
  • Employment of people with disabilities

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls


  • Efforts to promote active participation of women
  • Efforts to increase the number of hires
  • Improving the work environment for women (childcare leave, reduced working hours)
  • Arrangements for corporate nursery schools

Ensure access to and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Corporate guideline Environmental policy

Outside the company

  • Contracted to manufacturing of ion-exchange membrane Selemion ( water purification for factories, desalination of food → well water in India and Middle East as drinking water)
  • Appropriate management of chemical substances, water quality, and air quality (Machine Works Department, Precision Molding and Mold Department)


  • Restoration of toilet water (Chiba Plant)

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Corporate guideline Environmental policy

Outside the company

  • Recycling: IC tray ⇒ reusable material
  • Recycling: Mold ⇒ Contribution by CO2 reduction
  • ISO 14000 Initiatives


  • Conversion to LED, introduction of HV and electric vehicles
  • Installation of electric vehicle charging facilities (Shinwryo dormitory)
  • Facilities for reducing energy consumption (head office building)
  • Paperless initiatives, on-line pay slips, etc.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive full employment and decent work for all

Corporate guideline


  • Initiatives for equal pay for equal work
  • Compliance program
  • Employment of foreigners
  • Employment of people with disabilities
  • Qualification allowance, advanced skill allowance

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and expand technological innovation

Corporate guideline Environmental policy

Outside the company

  • Zero emission of hazardous substances by full internalization
  • Incorporation of innovative technology: IC Tray
  • Waste sorting recycling activities
  • Work in the materials industry (steel used for infrastructure, chemicals, medical)
  • Development of raw materials (CFRTP) (Precision Molding and Mold Department)

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources for sustainable development

Corporate guideline Environmental policy

Outside the company

  • Wastewater treatment

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalizing global partnership for sustainable development

Corporate guideline

Outside the company

  • India (mold), China/Hong Kong (IC tray)
  • South Korea: Technology provision (mold, plating technology)
  • India: Eetablished a joint venture
  • North America (Engineering)